Contact & FAQ


  • Optimal IV Hydration and Wellness has two locations.

    Our Cookeville Clinic is located in the office of Dr Nate Mainord at Optimal Health and Performance Chiropractic. Find us at 13 N Oak St, Cookeville, TN, 38501.

    Our Livingston Location is located in the office of Dr. Cynthia Cahill at Elevate Medical on the Livingston Square. Find us at 109 E Court Square, Livingston, TN 38570.

  • Yes, appointments are preferred. You can schedule online by clicking here. While we do our best to accommodate walk-ins, our schedules are filling up as we grow. It's always best to call ahead before dropping in

  • If you are a new client, book under “New Client Wellness Drip”. Once you have your complimentary consultation with the RN, we can make adjustments if necessary.

  • At Optimal IV Hydration and Wellness, we understand IV Hydration with Micronutrients is a choice. (Unless you’ve got a stomach bug, then it’s more like a “need it now” type of service).

    Our goal is that you get the most bang for your buck. Our prices vary depending on the IV Drip you choose or if you choose to customize. You can view our services and book online by clicking here.

    When comparing prices, please keep in mind our minimum dosages start higher than most places. For example, our minimum Vitamin C dosage starts at 5000mg. Why? Because Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, enhances your immune system, protects cellular structures, and so much more. We want you to reap the benefits of that from your first appointment. We will be transparent with you at all times of dosing so you understand what you are getting and why.

  • As a new client, your first appointment will take roughly one hour. You will have a complimentary consultation to discuss your expectations and questions as well as receive your IV Drip. For existing clients, the Drip itself usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the client. Everyone is different and that’s ok!

  • IV Hydration with Micronutrients is the ability to deliver hydration (with electrolytes) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals & amino acids) directly to the bloodstream, bypassing our GI system.

    Our GI system can not absorb 100% of what we intake. In fact, there are studies showing that you absorb roughly 50% of the supplement you take orally, (if it says 500mg, then your GI tract is absorbing roughly 250mg). By delivering the micronutrients directly to the bloodstream, you get 100% bioavailability allowing your body to absorb what it needs at the cellular level.

    This is a great way to level up your health and wellness journey, short or long-term. (The American diet over the years has become more about convenience and taste rather than nutrients and health. It is ideal to get your nutrients from your diet but, let’s be realistic, how many of us are eating fruits and vegetables on the daily, constantly? Guilty!)

  • Consistency is key. The more consistent you are in receiving your IV Drips, the more likely you are to see the results you are looking for in your short and long-term health journey. It also depends on where your starting point is and what your health goals are. If you are relatively healthy and would like to create a maintenance routine, once a month is where to start. If you need to make major changes in your lifestyle and are committed to doing so, bi-weekly is a great place to start.

  • Any client with current or a history of heart disease like congestive heart failure, kidney disease (chronic or acute), or severe lung issues like COPD, is not a candidate for elective IV hydration. When you schedule an appointment, you will be asked to fill out a History & Physical (H&P) that the nurse will go over with you at the time of your appointment. Feel free to reach out prior to your appointment if you have any questions.

Contact Information

Phone: (931) 510-1493

Cookeville Clinic

13 N Oak Ave Cookeville, TN 38501
(In the office of Dr Nate Mainord at Optimal Health and Performance)

Livingston Clinic
109 E Court Square Livingston, TN 38570
(In the office of Dr. Cynthia Cahill at Elevate Medical)

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